Why KPIs Aren’t Enough

Tracking KPIs are a great windshield for your business, as long as you select the right ones. The problem with KPIs are that they often lose their context. “Why is this KPI important?” “Why is that KPI measured in this way?” “We’ve been measuring this KPI for 8 years now, is it still relevant?” KPIs … Read more

Cynics Never Win

Negative thinking inhibits creativity. If you or someone around you constantly say: “this will never work”, it is difficult to fully explore or execute an idea. These people are cynics. Cynics have a defeatist attitude and will always tell you why something will not work. Instead of thinking about why something won’t work, think about … Read more

Always Ask the Bigger Question

When trying to solve a problem, we tend to get lost in the detail and forget the bigger issue in front of us. Pausing and asking the larger question almost always opens up new avenues of creativity to clear an obstacle. Instead of wondering why an app won’t work, ask why are you staring at … Read more

A Manager’s Guide to OKRs

Goal setting, tracking, and accountability can be a challenge when managing a team and driving results that have an impact. What are the right goals for your team that will have a meaningful contribution to your company? How do you keep on top of progress? How do you hold each other accountable if you miss … Read more